Monday, February 16, 2015

My first (and favorite) Valentine

I have enjoyed a rare lazy Monday thanks to my company's fervent patriotism and acknowledgment of President's Day.  I celebrated the leaders of our country by exercising my freedom not to get out of my pajamas all day.  Presidents, I salute you.

This was a fitting end to a perfect weekend in which I was also able to celebrate Valentine's Day with my first ever Valentine. I assumed that having a boyfriend on Valentine's Day would ensure me some kind of holiday themed gesture, and I was right.  Milton did not disappoint, not that I was worried. He wasn't super stealth in how he went about sorting everything out.  He texted me a couple of weeks ago to ask how he might get something delivered to my office and to get a picture of some earrings he knew I wanted.  What can I say, I love a man who plans ahead!  I rewarded his initiative by responding with instructions for office deliveries, the email and phone number of a trusted coworker, a picture of the earrings, and a link to my Amazon wish list. He had all the tools necessary for V-Day success. And he probably learned an important lesson about my tendency to be a control freak.

Even with all that prep work, Milton went way above and beyond my expectations.

On Thursday I received the Valentine's trifecta:  flowers, chocolates, and a teddy bear, along with an incredibly sweet note that made more than one of my coworkers tear up. I later found out that Milton went through several drafts when writing the note.....which sort of made me tear up....and want to see the other drafts.

These are the fist flowers I've ever received from someone not related to me. I really, really liked it. I know flowers are a huge waste of money since they cost so much and die so quickly, but I can't help it. They're so pretty, and they smell so nice.

I ate the chocolates too fast to get a picture. I'm not proud of it.  Sometimes the fat girl I ate on my path to Weight Watcher's success comes out to play on holidays. I'm happy to report the bear survived my feeding frenzy.

Milton had to work on Valentines Day, but we were able to spend a couple of hours together after he got off work. I introduced him to one of my all-time favorite chick flicks. It's safe to say When Harry Met Sally is not Milton's new favorite movie, but he was a good sport.

On Sunday, Milton and I had what he called "our Valentine's Day." Although, by that point, I'd already had the most romantic Valentine's Day of my life. It felt greedy to get more, but he wasn't done yet. We got all dressed up and went to a nice dinner at Red Rock, followed by a movie that turned out to be TERRIBLE. I take full responsibility since I picked it. Lest you think we saw Fifty Shades or something, I'll just warn you now not to waste two hours of your life seeing Kingsmen. I can't believe adult humans spent millions of dollars to make that load of crap. Give me 45 minutes and a typewriter, and I can have a screenplay superior to that hot mess ready to shoot.

Luckily, I could spend the movie reminiscing about our gift exchange earlier in the evening. It was a perfect distraction from the bad acting and ridiculous plot. When Milton picked me up for dinner, he gave me the earrings I had been wanting. Aren't they pretty and so perfect for the occasion?

I gave Milton some gifts too, but I think we all know boys get the short end of the stick when it comes to this holiday.  For all his trouble and expense, he received a handmade card, a puzzle, heart-shaped Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, snowman duct tape, a coffee mug with a humorous meme on it, and a coaster hand-glazed by me that said I "heart" Mariah.

Milton got screwed. Not literally, of course. I mean, what guy would want that when he could have a puzzle?