Sunday, October 2, 2016

Year One

Happy one year anniversary to me (and that guy who's my husband)!

When last we spoke, I had just returned from a pre-wedding trip to Charleston, SC, and I had promised to regale you all with the tales of my wedding showers, bachelorette party, and of course, the big event.  Well...I didn't. Instead, I just disappeared, much to the lament of both of my readers. Not wanting to leave you completely in the dark, here is a mini-update Istagram-style:

Hometown Bridal Shower       
OKC Bridal Shower
Picking up the marriage license!
Last date at the zoo before the big day!
 Let's just say that the closer we got to the actual wedding, the less time I had for blogging about it.  And then things got really crazy.  A mere three days before the wedding, I got laid off from my job. Not ideal. I will say, if you have to lose your job, I hope it happens right before you have to buy an expensive steak dinner for 65 people.  It just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, which is good because after you pay that credit card bill you won't be able to afford little luxuries like heat and clothing.

I kept meaning to post about the wedding, but as the weeks went by, I just wasn't making time. Odd, since it's not like I had anything else to do during the day.  So now I'm trying to make up for lost time by updating you on our wedding and our first year of marriage.  It happens to be our first anniversary today, so it's only appropriate to reflect.  Also remember it's the second anniversary of our first date, because we're cute like that.

First off, another Instagram-style mini update of our wedding, which was perfection:

Just six hours after the wedding, we boarded a plane for Punta Cana, Dominican Republic.  We stayed at the Melia Paradisius resort under their Royal Service experience.  Basically Royal Service is a fancy way of saying everyone at the resort will do your bidding.  We ran that island. Our butler's name was Hector, and I definitely made him earn his money.  Needless to say, the resort was amazing - great food, beautiful beaches and pools, and top-shelf bar service!

We did this a lot:

Oh, and we swam with some dolphins:

We had so much fun!  Basically we felt like our wedding and honeymoon were perfect, which is good, since you really only get one shot at those.  Luckily, we were just as excited to start our married life, so there was no let-down when we got back.

Thanks to my untimely job loss, we had the unique opportunity to start our marriage off as a throw-back 50's couple. Each morning, I would get up and make breakfast for my husband before he set off for a day at the office.  I would spend my days cleaning, cooking, and crying...usually in that order, but sometimes the crying took over the other two activities.  

We didn't know how long my joblessness would last, but we are good financial planners, and I was blessed with excellent severance, so we could have made it quite a while without becoming homeless. I am happy to report I was only unemployed for about four months, and now I have a good job, albeit a lot bigger, more stressful one.  That also may have contributed to the lack of progress on this blog. 60+ hour work weeks are a hobby killer.

And just like that, our first year of marriage is complete!  Suffice it to say, marriage is the absolute best!  You get a built-in best friend who takes care of you, cares about every detail of your life, and is super hot! Marriage gets an enthusiastic two-thumbs-up from me!

We celebrated our anniversary last night, by returning to the steakhouse where we had our wedding. I even made us wear our wedding clothes again, which just made Milton so happy. Mostly I just wanted to prove to myself that I could still fit into my dress.  If I may be so bold, I think we look even better than last year.

We opted to skip anniversary gifts because our love is gift enough...but Milton is no dummy.  He presented me with beautiful roses and a very touching love letter, since the traditional first anniversary gift is paper.  He's a keeper!

So now the big question is what to do with this blog. Its original purpose was to get me married off with as little pain and as much humor as possible. And to that I say mission accomplished. 

But is there more to say of the adventures of Milton and Mariah? 


We'll see. 

Year two starts now!