Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hey, no pressure, but would you please kiss me and meet my sister? - Date Diary #8

I'm not sure if it's the rain or just the exhaustion from having so many dates, but today I'm enjoying a well deserved pajama day at home. This is just the sort of lazy, unproductive activity I'd like to keep any potential suitors from knowing about until long after they've fallen for me.  Agoraphobia, even in its mildest form, is not particularly attractive.

I've been meaning to write this post all day, but between my hectic schedule of catching up on Netflix and taking naps, I just couldn't find the time.  After receiving the 8th text where someone wanted to know how the date had gone, I figured I owed my readers a little something in the way of a date diary.  So here you go...


Something strange is happening as Milton and I go out on more dates.  This was our 4th date in 9 days, but instead of feeling more comfortable, I'm getting a little more nervous each time. It's not the bad kind of nerves that come from knowing you're about to start a really long evening.  What I'm experiencing are the nerves that come from having a stake in something.  I'm starting to like him, so I know there's risk involved now, and while I'm trying to learn more about him, I'm also trying to make sure he learns the best about me.  It's way more stressful than I would have thought. 

I was having a hard time figuring out what to wear.  I still don't have that many options, and since we've gone out so much already, he's already seen most of my stock.  Luckily, it turned cold this weekend, so I was able to pull out a new sweater that I bought a few months back.  Between the new sweater and my very skinny jeans, I have never felt tinier....except of course when I'm actually standing next to Milton.  

Here's how I looked for my date:

Unfortunately, Milton knocked on my door right after I took this picture.  I jumped as if I'd been caught snorting a line of cocaine.  Taking selfies is just the sort of thing I wouldn't want him knowing about this early in our...well, I'd use the word relationship, but I don't really know what we are yet.  At any rate, I don't have the picture of what I'm feeling like on the inside - just know I was feeling a little nervous, but the good kind.

The Date

Every time I answer the door for a date with Milton, I'm surprised by how tall he is.  It's like when we don't see each other for a few days, my brain forgets.  This is the part where good spatial reasoning skills would be helpful.  I know I will get used to this, but it's still something I think about on a fairly regular basis.  And tall girls everywhere are rolling their eyes thinking, "all I ever wanted was a tall guy, so stop your whining."  I know, I know, champagne problems. 

Milton took me to Mama Rojas and then to see a movie. In his defense, he had planned something else - we were supposed to go to a comedy club - but then he couldn't get tickets to the right show or something so he mentioned that we'd do that next week.  I didn't think much of it, but several guys have now told me that's what a guy does when he likes a girl - get her on the hook for a future date before you've even gone on the date you've got planned.  I can't imagine that guys are that complicated and scheming, so I'm not going to read too much into it.  The conversation in the car was pretty good.   I think we're definitely getting better at finding our groove from the beginning of a date. 

The restaurant was incredibly loud, but I think that always helps things to not be so awkward if there's a lull in conversation.  This was the second dinner date where I ordered a beer and he didn't. He doesn't seem to mind that I ordered one, but it's still weird to drink alone.  Makes me feel like a bit of a lush, but I simply can't eat Mexican food without a Dos Equis.  Conversation throughout dinner was good.  I'm amazed sometimes at our ability to talk about nothing.  By that, I mean that the topics we cover aren't necessarily always deep and meaningful, but we somehow manage to make a conversation out of it anyway.  

Milton had already gotten our tickets to the movie since we were going to the theater at Penn Square Mall with the recliner seats.  I really like how he thinks about things in advance, whether it's changing the radio station in his car before he picks me up or making sure we aren't sitting in the front row of a movie.  We had a lot of time before our movie, so when we got to the theater, they weren't even seating for our showing yet.  We decided to walk the mall a little, which was good. It gave us more time to talk without having to stare each other down across a dinner.  We talked more about our jobs and families.  I'm still impressed by his interest in my life.  After going out with so many boys who could only talk about themselves, it's so nice to spend time with a guy who sincerely wants to know what makes you tick.  Of course, once he really figures me out, he may wish he'd asked fewer questions. Here's the part where it sucks to be vulnerable.  

The Good
  • He opened my car door every time!  I've made it my personal mission to really make boys understand how important this is, so I'm going to make a big deal about it every time. 
  • He paid for everything, obviously, which I really appreciate.  I'm getting a little uncomfortable about this and I'd like to offer to pay, but it's so awkward and I don't want to emasculate him. I'd love some advice on this, so leave me some comment love.
  • He had an umbrella since it was supposed to rain.  When we got to the theater, it was raining enough to use it.  He came over to my side of the car to get me so I wouldn't get wet.  He's so much taller than me, that there was no reasonable way for us both to be under it, but he said, "I don't mind getting wet, I'll just make sure you're covered."  So. Sweet.
  • The movie ended up being really good, and bonus, there was no Fifty Shades preview to endure.  
  • I commented on a girl a few rows ahead who was clearly taking a selfie, and Milton said he'd actually never taken a single selfie in his life.  Score.
  • I had a really good time.  I'm not sure what we are or where we're going, but I know I'm having fun spending time with him.  I'm attracted to something about him that I'm not even sure I can articulate.  It's such a welcome feeling after being so confused about that other nice guy I dated. 
The Bad
  • We sat in recliners at the movie theater, so we were basically laying side by side for two and a half hours.  It made it a little awkward to talk before and during the movie since we were both essentially horizontal.  
  • He never held my hand either during our walk around the mall or during the movie.  I thought he might try to, but I guess he's just really shy about these things.  I thought about just grabbing his hand, but if I'm being honest, I'm pretty chicken shit myself.  
  • The recliners in the theater are made of pleather, so every time someone moves or adjusts their seat, they sound as if they're having some kind of digestive problem.  I laughed internally - I don't want Milton thinking I have the sense of humor of your average 4th grader.  
  • The end of the date was a little awkward.  He walked me to my door.  All night I'd been expecting him to kiss me at the end of the date, but he hesitated.  Maybe I should have just stood there and made him make a move, but we ended up hugging again.  It was longer and somehow sweeter than our previous hug, so I still feel like we made progress.  I'm not trying to rush things, but I am getting to the point where I'd like him to kiss me, just to see how I feel about it. By the way, I've started thinking the world is horribly confused about this first kiss situation.  Leaving it until the end of the date is terrible - it's too much pressure. You should really kiss at the beginning of the date, then it's done, and you don't have it hanging over your head all night.
The Ugly
  • I created a small mess during dinner when I poured my beer into the salted mug.  I always forget that when the beer hits the salt it creates a mild volcano.  Party foul; My bad. 
  • He admitted during dinner that he actually likes Gilmore Girls.  I've got major problems with this, which he now knows all about, because it's not like I ever keep my opinions to myself.  

Today's Updates
  • Milton said at the end of the date that he'd plan something for us next week, so I guess we're going out again.  It cracks me up that he doesn't even really ask anymore, but I sort of understand why.  This is one of those rare situations where two people are in sync and just know they're both having a good time. 
  • I have a bit of a conundrum.  My sister and her husband are coming to visit me next weekend. They don't visit that often, so I'd sort of like them to meet Milton, but that seems super fast.  I think we could keep it casual with lunch on Friday or something.  I can rationalize this whole thing by making the argument that it's really more like meeting my best friend than a member of my family, since that's really what my sister is.  I think I've decided to just invite him to lunch but be totally okay with whatever he decides.  I'd still love to know what you think in the comments.  
  • After having a drought of site activity, this weekend I've gotten some likes, winks, and messages from some new fellas.  At this point, things are going so well with Milton that I'm closer to hiding my profile than I am to responding, but you'll be happy to know that some of these guys will be making appearances in future "between the lies" posts.  


  1. I say have dinner with your sister and husband then have him meet you after for drinks.

  2. I'm SO SO glad the date went great!! He seems like a super sweet guy! I think I like the idea the other commenter put about having him meet for drinks after with y'all. :) I'm excited for you!

  3. As an anonymous friend of "Milton" I'd like to say I told him to kiss you!!! Guys just don't get how stressful that is for us gals :-)

    1. So stressful! Thanks for reading and commenting (and offering wise advice!). Looking forward to meeting you.

  4. Do you hate gilmore girls? Cause my husband is totally on Season 6 with me LOL

    1. My issue lies in the unhealthy relationship between Rory and Lorelai. I can admit that the show is well written with a witty sarcasm that's obviously right up my alley. I've just always had a hard time connecting to the show because of the mother/daughter dynamic.
